The European Stands Alone

To light, to liberty, and life!
Time flies even when you’re not having fun. This was borne home to me recently when I rediscovered a twenty-year old letter in my desk drawer. “Did that much time elapse already?” The letter was a not a fan letter. Some woman had glommed onto one sentence in an article I had written and decided on that basis that I was “racist.” I was surprised, not because I had never been called a racist before but because the article she did not like was only tangentially about race. It was primarily about Christianity. The sentence that earned me the racist label was the one in which I linked the words “white” and “Christian.” “What is your theory on race?” the woman demanded.
I answered the woman’s letter and attempted to explain my theory on race. That was a mistake. It was a mistake because the woman had already made up her mind I was racist and therefore outside the ken of humanity. And it was also a mistake because in reality I had no theory on race. But I succumbed to the temptation of trying to combat modernism with the weapon of modernism, which was, and is, abstract theory. Modern man is in the grips of a very old heresy, which he thinks is quite new, the Greek heresy. The Greek philosophers thought wisdom could be put in a silver rod, and modern man, being quite unoriginal, thinks so too. Charles Dickens, in his masterpiece, Great Expectations, shows us the difficulties of proceeding through life without a theory:
By that time, I was staggering on the kitchen floor like a little drunkard, through having been newly set upon my feet, and through having been fast asleep, and through waking in the heat and lights and noise of tongues. As I came to myself... I found Joe telling them about the convict's confession, and all the visitors suggesting different ways by which he had got into the pantry. Mr. Pumblechook made out, after carefully surveying the premises, that he had first got upon the roof of the forge, and had then got upon the roof of the house, and had then let himself down the kitchen chimney by a rope made of his bedding cut into strips; and as Mr. Pumblechook was very positive and drove his own chaise-cart - over everybody - it was agreed that it must be so. Mr. Wopsle, indeed, wildly cried out "No!" with the feeble malice of a tired man; but, as he had no theory, and no coat on, he was unanimously set at nought - not to mention his smoking hard behind, as he stood with his back to the kitchen fire to draw the damp out: which was not calculated to inspire confidence.Nevertheless, even at the risk of being Wopsle-ized, a man should not pander to the theory-hungry mob by presenting them with another theory to kick around in their theoretical arena. Let me seek present redemption then by writing the letter that I should have written twenty years ago:
Dear Madame X,This concludes my letter to Madame X. I’m sure she would have been just as unconverted after my present letter as she was after my first, but at least I followed Edgar’s injunction to “speak what we feel, not what we ought to say.” The fight (in the full meaning of the word ‘fight,’ i.e., using temporal and spiritual weapons) for Christian Europe is the fight for the Faith. If the people who made Christ the center of their culture are rejected as evil racists and or stupid, then the Christian faith becomes evil and stupid. Behind the anti-European ranting of the New Age Christian rationalists is the dogmatic assertion that “Christ be not risen.”
I don’t have a theory of race. I have some feelings about race, based on my intuitions about the nature of reality, but I do not have a theory on race. This might seem like splitting hairs but there is a crucial difference between theory and faith, at least the theory and faith I’m talking about. Modern man is trapped in a theoretical endgame. He has made an a priori decision that there is no world outside of his own mind. As a result of that decision modern man is blind. The physically blinded Gloucester sees reality clearly, in contrast to the morally blind Cornwall, because he sees the world
“feelingly.” When I step outside of the world of theory and see pre-modern European culture feelingly, I see in that culture a God of infinite mercy and compassion who sent His Son to suffer and die on a cross, only to rise again on the third day, all so we, His children, could see that “death but routs life into victory.”
In no other culture besides the European culture do I see that vision of the true God. If you tell me that other cultures could have produced that vision, my response is, “I don’t know if they could have produced such a vision; all I know is that they didn’t.” If you tell me that the sublime vision of the true God and true Man can, now that the Europeans have abandoned the vision, be maintained by another race of people, I reply, “They haven’t yet picked up the vision.” And finally, if you tell me that religious truth does not need to be embodied in a culture but can be passed on from one human mind to another human mind, I will tell you that, “God took flesh and dwelt among us because He knew that we needed to see the truth embodied; because we see life feelingly, not theoretically.”
And that, Madame X, is why I don’t have a theory about race. I have a love for the European people prior to their descent into the nether regions of theory. I don’t believe, as you say I do, that Europeans and only Europeans have souls. I do say that only the Europeans, as a people, produced a culture in which we see the face of Jesus Christ. Individuals from other cultures have certainly risen to the status of Christian, but they did so by adhering to the values and beliefs of the European. They became, like Gunga Din, “clear, white inside.” But if you had asked Gunga Din, prior to getting shot (“a bullet came an’ drilled the beggar clean”), he would not have recommended that the white should meld with the colored. “Then there would be no people from whom I could learn how to be clear, white inside.”
Let’s put the modernist attack on the Faith in terms of a fable.
There is a land called Europia which contains white men and women who claim that God visited earth, suffered and died on a cross, and then rose from the dead. He did all of this to free mankind from the consequence of sin, which is death. In a myriad of ways, in their art, in the quiet consecrations to Him, made in their hearts, the Europians showed their love of, and their faith in, Him.
Bordering the nation of Europia was the country of Yet-To-Be. In that country existed colored people who could only be described as half-devil and half-child. Occasionally they made warlike raids on Europia. The raids were not successful because the Europians banded together to repulse the Yet-To-Be hordes.
But as time passed, a strange phenomenon occurred. Groups of Europians started to band together discussing theories about their God. One group with a theory begot another group with a theory, and soon Europia was filled with contending factions, all advancing their theories about God. But amidst all the theorizing, Europia was still Europia, and its citizens still believed in their God. They even made forays into Yet-To-Be Land and made settlements there.
Many years passed and the theorizing continued. No one knows the exact moment it happened, but there came a time when most Europians no longer believed in the old God of Europia. They now believed only in theory. In fact, the Europians claimed that there had never really been a God except in theory. And since all theories were of equal value, the Europians saw no reason not to let the Yet-To-Be citizens into their nation.
As more time elapsed, the Europians began to realize just how wrong they had been about God and about their treatment of Yet-To-Be citizens. Hence, they removed all the whites from Yet-To-Be land, renamed Europia ‘Utopia,’ and started to systemically eliminate all whites from the new-forged nation of Utopia. Some whites objected to being eliminated, but they objected not because they believed in the old God of the Europians, but because they claimed they were intellectually superior to the Utopians and the Yet-To-Bes. The Utopians rejected their claims and eliminated them.
I am only a chronicler, and I am a white male. As such, my opinion is not valid in Utopia. But I must say that Utopia is not working. One gets the sense among the lower strata of white people (by lower strata, I mean those outside the liberal elite) that there is an incredible longing in their hearts. Are they suppressing something in their blood that must, simply must, be satisfied lest they die of longing? Dare we say that the something is faith?
Wine and cheese parties and a plethora of Obama coronations seem to be enough to fill the void in the liberal’s soul. But will blood sports and porno keep the white grazers contented? We shall see. Satan is always true to his satanic nature, but his stance vis a vis the European changes according to the type of civilization the European maintains. When Europe was Christian, Satan was a radical, always fomenting change and chaos. But now that European civilization is satanic, Satan is a conservative. He used to prowl the world seeking the ruin of souls; now he prowls the world looking for individuals who might upset the satanic institutions of his kingdom of Satan on earth. He is always on the lookout for the man of vision, the man who still sees Christ on the cross and not a theory of atonement or a metaphor for suffering humanity. And when he sees such a man, the devil trembles and tries to get his minions to crush that man by whatever means necessary. Being unable to stand alone himself, the devil cannot conceive of a mortal man who will stand alone against him and his minions. But the devil has never been inspired by the cross of Christ. He has never experienced the ennobling power a man feels when he has joined his heart to His heart. Once the vision enters the blood, miracles occur. So it is always the last European, the man who has kept the vision of his Lord in his heart, who will stand firm while the men of color and the men of theory bend their knees to Satan and his surrogate rulers.
An entire people’s fidelity to one God made European civilization. One hero’s fidelity to the God of that ancient civilization can and shall be the beginning of a new birth of that ancient civilization. But the ethics of Fairy Land do demand that the hero must venture forth alone before he can receive God’s grace. Scott gets it right in “Harold the Dauntless.” When the Christian hero and the devil clash, the Hero always prevails:
XVI.Smoke roll’d above, fire flash’d around,
Darken’d the sky and shook the ground;
But not the artillery of hell,
The bickering lightning, nor the rock
Of turrets to the earthquake’s shock,
Could Harold’s courage quell.
Sternly the Dane his purpose kept,
And blows on blows resistless heap’d,
Till quail’d that Demon Form,
And—for his power to hurt or kill
Was bounded by a higher will—
Evanish’d in the storm.
Nor paused the Champion of the North,
But raised, and bore his Eivir forth,
From that wild scene of fiendish strife,
To light, to liberty, and life!