Sunday, November 18, 2007

The European Nation

In C. S. Lewis's book, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Father Christmas is forced to give Lucy a gentle rebuke when she wants to go into combat:
Last of all he said, "Lucy, Eve's Daughter," and Lucy came forward. He gave her a little bottle of what looked like glass (but people said afterward that it was made of diamond) and a small dagger. "In this bottle," he said, "there is a cordial made of the juice of one of the fireflowers that grow in the mountains of the sun. If you or any of your friends is hurt, a few drops of this will restore you. And the dagger is to defend yourself at great need. For you also are not to be in the battle."

"Why, Sir," said Lucy. "I think—I don't know—but I think I could be brave enough."

"That is not the point," he said. "But battles are ugly when women fight."
Kipling expresses the same sentiments as Father Christmas in his poem "The Female of the Species." But let us go further. War is not just ugly when women are brought into it; war is also ugly when it is not local, when it is not, in the narrowest sense of the words, for kith and kin. The Iraq war is an abomination because it is the farthest thing imaginable from a war to defend kith and kin.

When Stalin's good buddy Hitler betrayed him and invaded Russia, Stalin found it necessary to drag some of the Orthodox priests out of prison in order to bless the troops and exhort them to repel the invaders in the name of Mother Russia. Stalin correctly saw that his men were more likely to fight for Russia than for international communism.

Bush and his neocons have attempted and are still attempting a ruse similar to the one employed by Stalin. The Iraq war is not a defensive war. It is an aggressive war to impose democratic capitalism on the people of Iraq. The beneficiaries of a successful termination of the war will be the robber barons of the United States and the government of Israel. And yet the neocon establishment has spared no expense to try to convince Americans that somehow their war of aggression is a war of defense. "We are fighting over there so we won't have to fight here." That is the Madison Avenue-styled inanity that we are asked to swallow. But of course it was because we were fighting over there in the first Gulf war and because we send Israel the money to fight over there that the enemy brought the fight to our shores.

War is always tragic, but it is not always ugly. Our Civil War is a case in point. It was tragic that utopian white men waged a war of aggression on their fellow Europeans in the name of racial egalitarianism. But it was heroic and noble that other Europeans rose in defense of white civilization. And the key words are "in defense of." William Tell is a hero because he kills in defense of; the Klansmen under Nathan Bedford Forrest were heroes as well because they also fought in defense of. Bush and his neocons (or more accurately, the neocons and their lapdog) are inhuman monsters because under the guise of patriotism, they kill for money.

It was George Fitzhugh who said, "We are the friend of popular government, but only so long as conservatism is the interest of the governing class." Now that the radical disenfranchisement of white people at home, and the violent spread of democratic capitalism abroad is the interest of our government is there any reason at all to expect that the U. S. will ever again engage in a war that a white European can support?

Walter Scott, in his poem, "The Lay of the Last Minstrel," asks the question

Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, my native land!
And the answer to that is yes. There is such a man. He is the modern Gnosticized white man. He has renounced his own native land for the idea of a democratic, multi-racial, capitalist utopia. And such a

…wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonoured , and unsung.

A native land consists of a people of one Faith, one race, and one culture. White Americans do not have a native land. We live in a geographic region called the United States, and we are ruled by a capitalist oligarchy that is systematically depopulating the country of white people.

In contrast, the Scotland that Walter Scott writes about in his novel The Antiquary is a nation. Toward the end of the book, Scott depicts the reaction of his countrymen to a reported invasion (Scott takes the incident from an actual occurrence) by the French. The invasion report turns out to be a false alarm, but the threat is very real. Britain is only a few years removed, at the time of the incident, from the Battle of Trafalgar. What is significant about the Scottish response to the threat of invasion is the way every level of their nation pulls together. The landed gentry become captains with their servants in the ranks. The wealthier shopkeepers open up their shops to give supplies to the poor farmers and laborers who have come as volunteers to fight for their nation. And the apologia for the benefits of having a real nation is given by Edie Ochiltree, a beggar, when the Antiquary, a member of the landed gentry, expresses surprise to see that even Edie is preparing to do battle.
"I would not have thought you Edie, had so much to fight for?"

"Me no muckle to fight for, sir? Isna there the country to fight for, and the burnsides that I gang daundering beside, and the hearths o' the gudewives that gie me my bit bread, and the bits o' weans that come toddling to play with me when I come about a landward town? Deil!" he continued, grasping his pikestaff with great emphasis, "an I had as gude pith as I hae gude-will and a gude cause, I should gie some o' them a day's kemping."

"Bravo, bravo, Edie! The country's in little ultimate danger when the beggar's as ready to fight for his dish as the laird for his land."
When a people are a real nation they come together as one, from the beggar to the king, when there is a threat of an invasion. But when a people of a particular country, such as the United States, form divergent groups of warring tribes with no common racial, cultural, or religious heritage, there cannot even be a common consensus on what constitutes an invasion, let alone a successful effort to repel an invasion.

Our neocon government leaders stress that we are at war with Iraq because it is in the national interest. But our country is not a nation so we have no national interest. The Iraq war suits the self-interest of the neocon tribal element of the United States. And the real invasion at our borders, the type of invasion that would have mobilized the Scottish nation in the early 1800's, is countenanced by the white zombies because they view anything that weakens the older European element in this nation as serving their self-interest.

The white European remnant is in no position to wrest control of the government from the white technocrats. But white Europeans are in a position to say, "Your god is not my God and your people are not my people." It starts with a refusal to be absorbed into the non-nation called the United States of America. A European has greater aspirations. If we reject the "American dream" and embrace the European dream of an earthly nation that is linked to His heavenly nation, we will be in line with our European ancestors and we will be serving the true King of all true nations.

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