The Lifeblood of the European

“The Christ story, the Hebraic Fairy Tale, is the story that the Europeans took to their hearts. Burn every single cathedral, church, and art work that celebrates the Christ story and you still won’t eradicate the sacred remembrances of Christ that lives in the blood of the European. There will always be some Europeans that will never let go of the European past. Against all logic, against all practicality, a certain breed of men will simply not let go of the vision of the one true God, who lives and reigns in eternal Europe.” -- CWNY
In the last five years I’ve done some “reaching out” in order to ascertain whether I could work with pro-white neo-pagans despite our disagreement on the issue of Christianity. I’ve also tried to ascertain whether I could work with professed Christians despite our disagreement on the subject of race. I discovered that I could not work with either the neo-pagans or the professed Christians. Both groups seemed, for different reasons, to be against the Christianity that was the lifeblood of the European for hundreds of years prior to the 20th century.
First let’s look at the neo-pagans. The older neo-pagans such as John Tyndall and Samuel Francis were politer than the younger, more savage breed of neo-pagans, but the old guard neo-pagans were united with the new neo-pagans in their firm belief that Christ be not risen. To the old guard neo-pagan, European Christianity was a wonderful invention of the white man which had been good for a time, but which became a destructive force when it went back to its non-European origins. It was not, the old guard neo-pagans maintained, Christianity that made Europe great; it was the Europeans who had made Christianity great.
The younger neo-pagans are less articulate. Their common refrain was and is, “Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew,” which is a curious phenomenon. The young neo-pagans profess to despise the Jews, yet they are like unto the Jews. The Jews, like the neo-pagans, have a passionate hatred for Christianity. Both think Christianity has been bad for their people. And of course both groups are wrong; Christ is the only hope for their people.
Even if the modern professed Christians were correct in their assertion that Christianity and white genocide are synonymous, it would be rather penny-wise, pound-foolish to abandon the hope for personal salvation for a generic hope in the survival of the white race here on earth. To what end does mere survival lead? It leads to a universal bone yard where there is no white or black, Jew or Christian, male or female, only bones. In the Kingdom of Heaven, which the neo-pagans reject, there are distinctions between black and white, male and female, sinner and saint. Neo-paganism is a blasphemy wedded to an absurdity.
In his eschatology the modern professed Christian is linked to the neo-pagan and the Jew. All three look for the future to bring about a new millennium. The neo-pagan looks to the future in which the white Übermensch, who has gone beyond good and evil, controls the world; the Jew looks for the King who will restore the house of Israel; and the modern professed Christian looks to a future age when Christians, who have freed Christ from His European prison, will worship the true Christ.
There are subtle differences between the three groups. The neo-pagans’ savior is non-personal; they simply believe in the generic race. The Jews’ savior is yet to come. Only the modern professed Christians have a savior who has already entered historical time. But has he? The Christian faith that is professed in the modern churches is not the European Christianity which, contra the neo-pagans, was the Christianity of the Bible; it is a new, syncretistic Christianity in which Christ is one God among some equal and some greater gods. And the new Christ is not a God who entered historical time; He is a cosmic God who stands outside of time as the symbol of the divine logos or the “best that is in man.” The break with the historical Christ, with Jesus of Nazareth, took place when the lunatic fringe, the great haters such as Rousseau, Voltaire, and a rogue’s gallery of Rosicrucians, alchemists, and rationalists, convinced the Christian Europeans that faith in Jesus was crude and simplistic while faith in the cosmic Messiah was important and grandiose.
Once the mindset that the traditional European Christianity is backward and retrograde takes hold, the modern Christian, even if he professes to believe in the major tenets of Christianity, will always act in accord with the liberal Christ haters. Which is why we see the strange phenomenon of “conservative” churches screaming just as loudly for race-mixing and democracy as the liberals. To oppose either would be reactionary, and therefore un-Christian, because Christianity is about the future, the new millennium. Witness the lunatic Christian evangelicals who want Israel to start a holy war in the Mideast in order to hasten the return of the liberal Christ who will punish all racists and non-supporters of Israel.
We must make a distinction between the older European Christianity and the new Christianity. The old faith was a faith for men and women who had that within which passeth show. The cruel barbarian gods of sacrifice, the distant gods of Mt. Olympus, and the abstract god of the philosophers were not enough for the race of people who needed to know that there was someone beyond and above the pagan’s isle of the dead who cared about them on this earth and in the world beyond.
The modern churches are built on stony rocks and thorns. The seeds of faith cannot take root and grow in those churches. The older European faith was rooted in the good soil, which was love of kith and kin; from such a soil, faith in the divinely human heart of Christ was born.
There has never been, nor will there ever be, a deep Faith in the living God without the fire that can only be kindled by the bonds human beings form with their kith and kin. The conservative Christian sects that admirably profess to hold to the inerrancy of Holy Scripture are not being true to their stated faith when they seek to make the human race generic. God divided humanity into particulars in order that we might come to know the particular, personal God who came from a race of people, not from a multi-racial, ecumenical cabal or from the mind of a philosopher.
The ‘Scripture alone’ Protestants were right to rebel against the ‘Reason alone’ scholastics, but have you eliminated human reason as your guide to faith and replaced it with the Holy Scriptures if human reason is your guide to the Holy Scriptures? How can a man test the veracity of the Christ story as found in the Bible or as presented to him by the teachings of the Catholic Magisterium? There is only one sifting ground for truth – the human heart. We believe or disbelieve in a visionary revelation depending on just how deeply the vision stirs our hearts.
There is a disconnect between the Christian European of one hundred years ago and the modern professed Christian. The antique European saw no contradiction between a God who calls all men to salvation and a God who makes and wills distinctions between particular races and particular individuals. But the modern professed Christian, who has abandoned the bardic faith of his ancestors, is not capable of understanding God, because he has lost, through willful pride of intellect, the blood wisdom of the bardic European. The modern Christian’s understanding is limited to reason alone, which is always an imperfect guide to existence. If the neo-pagan were a genuine Roman pagan, he would be closer to Christ than a modern Christian because the ancient pagan had respect for the eternal verities; he was not impious.
The Holy Scriptures and an organized church cannot sustain a vital faith in Christ if they are seen as something separate and above the traditional, communal life of a people. Our culture is in our blood. The faith must be planted in the blood if it is to take root and grow.
And therein lies the reason a Christian European of the old school finds he can’t work with the modern professed Christians or with the neo-pagans. To support either will lead to the extinction of the white race and the traditional Christian faith of the white race. Our blood faith is The Faith; if we forsake our blood we have nothing and we will return to nothingness. +
We must make a distinction between the older European Christianity and the new Christianity. The old faith was a faith for men and women who had that within which passeth show. The cruel barbarian gods of sacrifice, the distant gods of Mt. Olympus, and the abstract god of the philosophers were not enough for the race of people who needed to know that there was someone beyond and above the pagan’s isle of the dead who cared about them on this earth and in the world beyond.
The modern churches are built on stony rocks and thorns. The seeds of faith cannot take root and grow in those churches. The older European faith was rooted in the good soil, which was love of kith and kin; from such a soil, faith in the divinely human heart of Christ was born.
There has never been, nor will there ever be, a deep Faith in the living God without the fire that can only be kindled by the bonds human beings form with their kith and kin. The conservative Christian sects that admirably profess to hold to the inerrancy of Holy Scripture are not being true to their stated faith when they seek to make the human race generic. God divided humanity into particulars in order that we might come to know the particular, personal God who came from a race of people, not from a multi-racial, ecumenical cabal or from the mind of a philosopher.
The ‘Scripture alone’ Protestants were right to rebel against the ‘Reason alone’ scholastics, but have you eliminated human reason as your guide to faith and replaced it with the Holy Scriptures if human reason is your guide to the Holy Scriptures? How can a man test the veracity of the Christ story as found in the Bible or as presented to him by the teachings of the Catholic Magisterium? There is only one sifting ground for truth – the human heart. We believe or disbelieve in a visionary revelation depending on just how deeply the vision stirs our hearts.
‘Tis still a dream, or else such stuff as madmenLet me refer back to a community Bible class I attended as part of my outreach to find other believing Christians. In reading through the Bible with the class, I was immensely impressed by the thematic synergy between the Bible and the works of the European poets. But every time I pointed out the magnificent synergy, the Bible-believing Christians looked at me as if I were from the planet Mars. These same Bible-believing Christians were also doctrinally opposed to segregation and enthusiastic supporters of one race, one world Christianity.
Tongue and brain not; either both or nothing;
Or senseless speaking, or a speaking such
As sense cannot untie. Be what it is,
The action of my life is like it, which
I’ll keep, if but for sympathy.
There is a disconnect between the Christian European of one hundred years ago and the modern professed Christian. The antique European saw no contradiction between a God who calls all men to salvation and a God who makes and wills distinctions between particular races and particular individuals. But the modern professed Christian, who has abandoned the bardic faith of his ancestors, is not capable of understanding God, because he has lost, through willful pride of intellect, the blood wisdom of the bardic European. The modern Christian’s understanding is limited to reason alone, which is always an imperfect guide to existence. If the neo-pagan were a genuine Roman pagan, he would be closer to Christ than a modern Christian because the ancient pagan had respect for the eternal verities; he was not impious.
The Holy Scriptures and an organized church cannot sustain a vital faith in Christ if they are seen as something separate and above the traditional, communal life of a people. Our culture is in our blood. The faith must be planted in the blood if it is to take root and grow.
And therein lies the reason a Christian European of the old school finds he can’t work with the modern professed Christians or with the neo-pagans. To support either will lead to the extinction of the white race and the traditional Christian faith of the white race. Our blood faith is The Faith; if we forsake our blood we have nothing and we will return to nothingness. +
Labels: antique Christianity, bardic cultures, kith and kin
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