The God of Europe

“Come and see.”
The inner life of the European people, chronicled in the folklore collected by men like the Brothers Grimm and in the works of the poet-historians of the white race such as Shakespeare and Walter Scott, shows such a thematic similarity to, and a spiritual sympathy with, the ancient Hebrews, that one would almost suspect the proponents of the theory that the Europeans and the ancient Hebrews were one and the same people are correct. Truth be told though, I never have been able to understand the lengthy genealogy books about the European people, so I can’t really make an assertion for or against the Hebrew-European connection. But I do find it curious that modern historians always assume the historians who are closest in time to the events they are writing about are liars. Thus, we are supposed to know nothing about Brutus, the great grandson of Aeneas, or about King Arthur despite the fact that Geoffrey of Monmouth told us about them. “He was a Christian monk and therefore a liar.” And on it goes; all the ancient history written by ancient chroniclers is supposed to be lies.
It is not essential to establish an air-tight case for the Hebrew-European link (even if you had one, the liberals wouldn’t believe it) to see that the European’s culture is, at its core, the human side of the divine-human synergy. How do we know this to be true? The same way we know we love another person: through a sympathetic bond between our heart and the heart of the beloved.
The issue of European culture, and its superiority to every other culture, is only complicated when the sneering intellectuals, the academics, get involved. They have no reason to scoff at those who place the European on a level above the other races because they themselves have created a rigid anti-European hierarchy based on far less research than the hierarchal structure of the “racist” biblical historians. The liberals simply assert; proof is unnecessary because it is self-evident that the white race is an evil race at the bottom of the evolutionary ladder. The ladder has colored people on every rung above the white man. And at the top of the ladder is the black man. Of course, the liberal’s racial hierarchal system is the exact opposite of what was the unarticulated belief of the white race for thousands of years.
The modern half-way house Christians tell us that all talk about racial superiority and Christian cultures is anti-Christian. “Racially we are all sons of Adam, and there is no such thing as a Christian culture; all have sinned and fallen short...” We need not pull out a 700-page book of Biblical research that proves the non-colored races are not the descendents of Adam in order to answer the halfway-house Christians. All we need to say to them are the words of the apostle Philip, who echoed our Lord’s words when asked, “Can there any good come out of Nazareth?”
“Come and see.”
Look at the Europe of the white man through, not with, the eyes. What do you see? If you haven’t sold your soul for a devilish pot of lentils you’ll see the Christ of Handel’s Messiah: “And He shall reign for ever and ever.”
When the “higher” form of biblical exegesis started in the mid-1800’s, Thomas Hughes, author of Tom Brown’s Schooldays, stated:
We may not wholly agree with the last position which the ablest investigators have laid down, that unless the truth of the history of our Lord – the facts of his life, death, resurrection, and ascension – can by proved by ordinary historical evidence, applied according to the most approved and latest methods, Christianity must be given up as not true. We know that our own certainty as to these facts does not rest on a critical historical investigation...
Granting then cheerfully, that if these facts on the study of which they are engaged are not facts,-- if Christ was not crucified, and did not rise from the dead, and ascend to God his father, -- there has been no revelation, and Christianity will infallibly go the way of all lies, either under their assaults or those of their successors,-- they must pardon us if even at the cost of being thought and called fools for our pains, we deliberately elect to live our lives on the contrary assumption. It is useless to tell us that we know nothing of these things, that we can know nothing until their critical
examination is over; we can only say, “Examine away; but we do know something of
this matter, whatever you may assert to the contrary, and mean to live on that
knowledge.” -- from Alfred the Great
I feel the same way about European Christianity. My love for Europe and my belief that in the European culture we see the face of Jesus Christ is not based on the researchers who support the Hebraic-European theory, nor is it diminished by those who claim European Christianity was an invention of the Germanic peoples and had nothing to do with genuine Christianity. To all the experts, my response is the same as Thomas Hughes: “I do know something of this matter,” and I see and believe because I have learned from the people of antique Europe, to see life “feelingly.”
Research has a minor place in the scheme of things because research is dependent on an objective researcher and an objective examiner of the research. But man is not an objective creature. He does not use his reason to determine what is true; he uses his reason to defend that which he wants to be true. Is there then no way out of the rationalist dilemma? Yes, there is:
“You can prove anything with figures; and reason can lead you anywhere; but if you’ve got a real strong feeling about something, deep-seated and unshakable,
it is bound to be right.”
-- P. C. Wren in Bubble Reputation
Of course, the obvious objection to such an outlandish attack on reason is, “Suppose I feel just as deeply that Europe and the white man are evil, as you feel that the old European culture is God’s culture.” Then I would assert, even though it sounds undemocratic and impolite, “that you have not reached the core of your soul. You have no depth. Remove the layers of superficiality from your heart, and assume that the void you are afraid you’ll find if you go through the labyrinth of the human heart is not a void; it is where He dwells.”
The liberal is consistent on the issue of the antique European: “He is evil.” But the liberal is schizophrenic on the issue of Christianity. He doesn’t believe that Christ is risen, but yet when you assert that the Christian Church must always have a European face the liberal tells you that you are not being Christian. You can’t claim the right to say what is Christian after you have already dogmatically denounced the major tenets of Christianity.
The neo-pagans, the older ones who even bothered to formulate an ideology, claim the Europeans changed the real Christianity, which was an anemic bloodless faith, into a manly, heroic faith. But now in the 21st century, the real Christianity has surfaced again and the Europeans should shun it. The neo-pagans are wrong. Christianity has only one face, and it is a European one. The Europeans saw, in Christ, the true Thor, the hero God above all other hero Gods. There is no dichotomy between the God that St. Paul encountered on the road to Damascus and the hero God of the Europeans.
The saddest lot of all is the halfway-house Christians. They believe, but because they seek no help for their unbelief, they will soon become non-believing liberals. The Catholic halfway-house Christian claims he needs only the Church. “Prior to Scripture there was the Church, and without Scripture we can know God, through His Church.”
The Protestant fundamentalist counters with, “Before there was a Christian Church, there was the Bible; we know God through the Holy Scriptures.”
Missing from both halfway-house churches is the human factor. Human beings must read the Holy Scriptures and the Church documents with the proper spirit if God’s revelation is to be believed. And to believe, a man must be able to “come and see.” He must see the embodiment of Christianity in the spirit and blood of a people. The image of the golden harp is still apropos. Can even a golden harp produce one single note of music without the touch of a human hand?
Some thirty years ago I had a conversation with a retired Roman Catholic priest. I was a young man and he was an old man. I asked him what he thought was the greatest obstacle to faith in Jesus Christ. He stated that the biggest obstacle was that, “There are so few signs.”
I went away from my conversation with the priest with a greater respect for his honesty, but I also left profoundly depressed. “Are there really so few signs?” Of course, our Lord’s words come to mind: “And there shall be no sign given... but the sign of the prophet Jonah.” How can we know that sign? It has always been my feeling, my deep-seated feeling, that our Lord has planted, in our blood, the means of knowing and loving Him. But we must be true to our blood in order to see our Lord. The European who has become a stranger to his own blood needs to come and see the European cottage in the woods. Then he will see with the eyes of the heart, and know that his redeemer liveth, the God of eternal Europe. +
Labels: blood faith, human heart
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